
Showing posts from July, 2020

Timeline of COVID-19 confirmed cases: Reaching 1 crores corona cases in the world

 Timeline of COVID-19 confirmed cases  Timeline of COVID-19 confirmed cases across the world. Reaching 1 crores corona cases very soon globally. Where in top effected countries are USA, Russia, Brazil , India , Italy and over 220 Countries. Here are journey of COVID-19 confirmed cases so far-      #COVID-19 #Corona #coronavirus COVID-19

Timeline : SAARC Countries Populations growth

SAARC     SAARC Countries Populations growth from 1955 to 2020. The South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a regional group of countries in South Asia, established in 1985.    How the SAARC countries grown in terms of populations over the time. Here you can find out the bar race of asian countries population since 1955 to till date 2020. The seven founding member countries are  Bangladesh,  Bhutan,  India,  Maldives,  Nepal,  Pakistan, and  Sri Lanka.