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Showing posts from January, 2025

Fishbone Diagram in a Project: A Comprehensive Guide

Fishbone Diagram in a Project: A Comprehensive Guide   Table of Contents 1.       Introduction 2.       History of the Fishbone Diagram 3.       Understanding the Fishbone Diagram 4.       Advantages of Using a Fishbone Diagram 5.       Benefits in Project Management 6.       Steps to Create a Fishbone Diagram 7.       Examples of Fishbone Diagrams in Projects 8.       Conclusion 1. Introduction The Fishbone Diagram , also known as the Ishikawa Diagram or Cause-and-Effect Diagram , is a visualization tool used for root cause analysis in project management. It helps teams systematically identify, explore, and display potential causes of a specific problem or outcome. The diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish, with the "head" representing the issue and the "bone...

Bruce Tuckman’s Five Stages of Team Development : Project Management

Bruce Tuckman’s Five Stages of Team Development : Project Management   The development stages of a team generally follow Bruce Tuckman’s Five Stages of Team Development , which describe how teams evolve over time to achieve high performance. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each stage: 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning  Five Stages of Team Development: Project Management PMP   1. Forming (Initial Stage) Overview: This is the first stage, where team members come together and get introduced. There is uncertainty, as individuals try to understand their roles, expectations, and team objectives. Key Characteristics: Team members are polite, cautious, and reserved. There is a focus on understanding tasks and responsibilities. Roles and goals may not be clearly defined. The leader plays a dominant role in providing guidance and direction. Challenges: Lack of clarity in objectives. Hesitancy in expressing opinions. Unclear res...