Attitude status and Quotes for Girls
Top Attitude status and Quotes for Girl's.
1. Smartness is a perfect beauty.
2. Don't compare me to other girls.
There is no competition.
I'm one of a kind.
3. Good girls are bad girls that Never get caught.
4. Good girls are those which can help people , bad girls have no time to help.
5. My mind makes me a girl , my attitude a bitch and my class a lady.
6. I taught your boyfriend that little things you like.
7. Beauty is only skin deep but the attitude is to the bone!!!
8. I love the confidence that make-up gives me.
9. Keep your heels , head and standards high.
10. Girls who do not ask for much , deserve it all.
11. Always act like you are wearing an invisible crown.
12. I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone's hed.
13. Sometimes I with I was a little girl again because bruised knees heals faster than broken hearts.
14. A little black dress is one of the girl's best friends.
15. Act like a lady , think like a boss.
16. Silence is a girl's loudest cry.
17. I am a million dollars girls.
18. Never understimate a girl's ability to find something out.
19. My lips are the gun.
My smile is the trigger.
My kisses are the bullets.
Label me a killer.
20. I may not be the best, but I'm definitely not like the rest.
21. Just because I don't start the conversation, doesn't mean I'm not dying to speak to you.
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