Share Buy and sell charges in nepal | Stock Market Nepal

                  Buy and sell charges in Nepal.

Share Market Nepal

Table of contents
- Buy share charges in Nepal
- Sell share charges in Nepal
- Total charges
- How to Buy and Sell shares in secondary market
- Broker commesion in Nepal
- DP charges in Nepal

In secondary market of Nepal you can buy and sell shares. To buy and sell shares in secondary market you must have the following things.

Now the technology growing and there are many brokers form, financial institutions are giving many facilities that can be done at same place and you need not to visit another institutions.

 1. DMAT account
 2. Bank account
 3. Trading account
 4. CRN number
 5. Meroshare
 6. DP I'd number

On every Buy call/ Sell call or on every Buy/Sell shares following charges has been detected individually.
 1. Broker commesion
 2. SEBO commesion
 3. DP charges 

Where in Broker commesion is RS. 25 , SEBO commesion is 0.02% and DP charges ( Depository charges ) is 25 on every Buy/ Sell transaction.

Let's suppose if you have purchased/Buy one share of  'ABC' companies at Rs. 100.

Purchased value 100
Broker commesion 25
SEBO commesion 0.02
DP charges 25
Total amount : 150.02

That means you need to pay 150.02 to get 1 share whose actual price is 100.

At the time of selling these charges applied as well.

Tags: #NEPSE #TMS #Shares #stocknews #stock #stockmarket #sebon #buyandsell #iponepal #ipoanalysis #nepseupdates 


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