Citizens Bank proposed dividend for the fiscal year 2077/78

Commercial Bank Nepal - Dividend declared 2021
25 September 2021

Citizens bank international limited proposed dividend for fiscal year 2077/78.

Citizens bank international limited ( CZBIL)
Citizens Bank limited proposed a dividend of total 16% to the investors for financial year 2077/78.

Board meeting held on 25th, September and they have decided to give 12.913% bonus share and 3.087% cash dividend. 

The distribution of bonus and cash dividend will be given only after approval from Nepal Rastra Bank.

Latest trading price of Citizen bank ( LTP) :-Rs.  408.50

About Citizens Bank:

Citizens Bank International Limited has been established as a reliable and trustworthy partner for all financial solutions. Institutionalized by a highly professional and experienced team, we have gained credibility in the banking sector through quality financial service.

Established on April 20, 2007 (2064/01/07) as 20th commercial bank of the nation, “Citizens Bank International Limited”, has its corporate office at the heart of the financial sector of the country, Narayanhiti Path, Kathmandu. It is promoted by eminent personalities, business and industrial houses and reputed individuals having high social standing and has been managed by a team of experienced bankers and professionals. There are 183 branches and 117 ATMs all over the country. ( source: citizens bank)

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