Madhya Bhotekoshi jalabidhyut company limited issuing 90 lakh IPO for general public from Ashwin 20
Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalabidhyut company limited
29 September 2021
Kathmandu Nepal
Madhya Bhotekoshi Hydropower issuing IPO for general public from Ashwin 20 -25.
Company is going to issue IPO worth Rs. 90 Crore with the face value price of rs. 100.
Here are bifurcation of shares alloted for employees , Mutual funds and general public.
Total number of share to be issue:
90,00,000 units ( 90 lakh units)
Total amount of the issue :
Rs. 900,000,000 ( 90 Crore)
4% aside for Employees
3,60,000 units
5% for mutual funds
4,50,000 units
Remaining for general public
81,90,000 units
When is the issue happeni?
**Opening Date : 20-25 Ashwin 2078**
How many kitta you should apply?
Minimum 10
Maximum 10,000
Rating :
About Madhya bhotekoshi jalabidhyut company limited
Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Limited (MBJCL) is a subsidiary company of Chilime Hydropower Company Limited, registered as public company in july 2010. MBJCL has planned to develop Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project (MBKHEP) with an installed capacity of 102 MW in Sindhupalchowk district of Central Development Region.
Tri-partite loan agreement has been signed between EPF, Chilime and MBJCL for debt portion. The equity investment will be made through 51% promoter share and 49% public share. Chilime is a leading company with 37% share.
#madhyabhotekoshi #IPOconfirmed #IPONepal #MBJCL #NepalShareMarket #IPO
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