Top 10 Mutual funds in Nepal by giving highest dividend- 2021 | You must have in your portfolio
Top Mutual funds in Nepal
Giving highest dividend
16 - September -2021
There are currently 24 mutual funds listed in Nepal Share Market NEPSE. Few mutual funds are in the pipeline of IPO as well later total number might increased.
Which is the best mutual funds in Nepal to buy in 2021? (B.S. 2078 )
To answer this question here are the list of mutual funds according to dividend paid to the investor in the financial year 2077/2078.
1. NIBL Pragati Fund (NIBLPF) :-
NIBL Pragati Fund have declared the highest dividend for the financial year 2077/78 in Nepalese share market.
LTP : 11.35
Cash Dividend : 50%
Bonus : 0%
Book close date: 2021/08/13
Listed share: 750,000,000 kitta
2. NIBL Sahabhagita Fund (NIBSF) :
Nibl Sahabhagita fund is a open-ended mutual fund.
This is also highest dividend paying mutual funds in Nepal.
Cash dividend: 50%
Book close date: 2021/08/13
3. Nabil equity fund ( NEF ) :
Is the top 3 highest dividend paying mutual fund in Nepal.
LTP : 15.50
Cash Dividend : 40%
Bonus : 0%
Book close date: Yet to be announced
4. Citizen mutual fund 1 CMF1 :
2077/78 has been good financial year for Citizen mutual fund 1 and 2.
LTP : 10.29 ( after adjustment)
Cash Dividend : 40%
Bonus : 0%
5. Citizen mutual fund 2 CMF2 :
2077/78 has been good financial year for Citizen mutual fund 1 and 2.
LTP : 10.51 ( after adjustment)
Cash Dividend : 40%
Bonus : 0%
6. Laxmi equity fund LEMF :
This financial year laxmi equity fund paid 35% dividend.
LTP : 10.19 ( after adjustment)
Cash Dividend : 35%
Bonus : 0%
7. Nabil Balanced fund 2 NBF2 :
LTP : 14.48
Cash Dividend : 35%
Bonus : 0%
8. Nibl samriddhi fund 1 NIBSF1:
LTP : 12.25
Cash Dividend : 35%
Bonus : 0%
9. Nic asia balanced fund NICBF :
LTP : 10.76 ( after adjustment)
Cash Dividend : 30%
Bonus : 0%
10. Nic asia growth fund NICBF :
LTP : 11.65 ( after adjustment)
Cash Dividend : 30%
Bonus : 0%
This datà has been updated till today. Some of the mutual funds yet to announce book close date where so of them have distributed as well.
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