
Showing posts from February, 2022

IPO Listing: Jalpa samudayik and Nesdo sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta Limited opening Range | Nepal share market

Nepal Share Market | Secondary Market | IPO listing Opening Range| Nepse  27-Feb-2022 kathmandu  Ready for secondary market trade after Emerging Nepal and Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited - 1. Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta Limited  2. Nesdo sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta Limited  Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta Limited (JSLBSL) Date of the issue was:-  Magh 21 - 25, 2078 Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta limited issued 5,22,000 ( Five lakh twenty two thousand) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 52,200,000 ( Five Crore and twenty two lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Total issue unit : 5,22,000 kitta Employee (0.5%)  : 8,000 kitta  Mutual funds ( 5%) : 26,100 kitta General public : 4,87,900 kitta What would be the firstday opening Price range of Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta limited when entered into NEPSE?     According to the prospectus of JSLBSL financial year s...

Opening Range of Emerging Nepal limited and Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited | Nepal share Market

Nepal Share Market | Secondary Market | IPO listing Opening Range| 26-Feb-2022 kathmandu  Two IPO recently completed the allotments in Nepal share market and ready for secondary market trade:- 1. EMERGING Nepal limited  2. Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited  And are in the process of listing in NEPSE. It may takes week time to complete the same. What would be the firstday opening Price range of Emerging Nepal limited when entered into NEPSE?     According to the prospectus of Emerging Nepal limited financial year statement 2077/78 it shows clearly 105.11 which means  Minimum opening range:  Rs. 105.11 Maximum opening range : Rs. 315.33 What would be the firstday opening Price range of Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited when entered into NEPSE? According to the prospectus of Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited year statement 2077/78 it shows clearly 167.43 which means  Minimum o...

Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited IPO allotments tomorrow i.e. Thursday 24th | How to check Ipo Results

IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited  23-Feb-2022 Kathmandu IPO ALLOTEMENT  Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited (RULBSL) is going to conclude IPO allotments on Thursday 24th February 2022( tomorrow) Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited issued 8,50,000 ( Eight lakh fifty thousand) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 85,000,000 ( Eight Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. 26,26,090 applicants had applied for the issued in which 79,450 lucky applicants will be blessed with 10 kitta. Date of the issue? Issue opening from Falgun 4 to 8th 2078. What is the bifurcation of allocation? Total units : 8,50,000  Issued capital (0.5%) : 13,000 units Employees (5%) : 42,500 units General public: 7,94,500 units  Who is the issue manager of RastrautthanlaghubittabittyasanstaLimited? Nibl ace capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public rati...

IPO ALERT: 11 Falgun - NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd | IPO confirmed

IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Microfinance | 16-Feb-2022 Kathmandu NESDO sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited (NSLBSL) IPO for general public from Falgun 11 ( Feb 23) Opening date: Falgun 11, 2078  NESDO Sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited is going to issue 8,28,750 ( Eight lakh twenty eight thousand seven hundred and fifty ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 82,875,000 ( Eight Crore and twenty nine  lakh+) with base price of Rs. 100. Bifurcation of kittas as below:- Total issue : 8,28,750 kitta Employees (0.5%) : 12,750 kitta  Mutual funds (5%) : 41,437 kitta General public: 7,74,563 kitta Who is the issue manager of NESDO sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta Limited? Global IME capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 67.50% vs 32.50%. Who is the issue manager of  NESDO Sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited ? Global IME capital limited  After the initial public offer...

IPO Allotement: Emerging Nepal limited tomorrow | How to check ipo Results of Emerging Nepal

Nepal Share Market 15-Feb-2022 Kathmandu, Nepal Emerging Nepal Limited IPO'S allotments tomorrow i.e. 16th feb 2022 Wednesday. Emerging Nepal limited had issued 5,55,600 ( Five lakh fifty five thousand and six hundred) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 55,560,000 with base price of Rs. 100. Possible Results: 51662 applications will be alloted with 10 kitta and 8 lucky applicants will get 11. Date of the issue was :- Magh 26 - Falgun 1, 2078 How much for the employees , mutual funds and general public? Here are the bifurcation of kittas of 5 lakh 55 thousand and 6 hundred units. Total issue unit : 5,55,600 kitta Employee (2%)  : 11,112 kitta  Mutual funds ( 5%) : 27,780 kitta General public : 5,16,708 kitta ** Five lakh sixteen thousand and seven hundred eight is purely for general public** What is the issue opening and closing date? Date of the issue were on 26th Magh 2078 and closed on 1st of Falgun 2078 ( 9th Feb 2022 to 13th feb 2022) Who is the issue manager o...

Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta Limited IPO'S allotments Results | IPO allotments of Jalpa samudayik laghubitta

Nepal Share Market 13-Feb-2022 Kathmandu, Nepal Jappa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta Limited IPO'S allotments today.. Jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta limited issued 5,22,000 ( Five lakh twenty two thousand) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 52,200,000 ( Five Crore and twenty two lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Date of the issue was:- Magh 21 -25, 2078 | 04-02-2022 How much for the employees , mutual funds and general public? Here are the bifurcation of kittas of 5 lakh 22 thousand. Total issue unit : 5,22,000 kitta Employee (0.5%)  : 8,000 kitta  Mutual funds ( 5%) : 26,100 kitta General public : 4,87,900 kitta Allotment results: 48,790 applicants have been alloted with 10 kitta out of 26+ lakh applicants. How to Check IPO ( Initial public offering) allotement status/ results of Jalpa samudayiklaghubittabittyasanstaLimited? How to check whether you have alloted or not to the applied IPO? To check IPO allotement results check of any company in Nepal ...

IPO ALERT: Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited is going to issue 8,50,000 units from Falgun 4

IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited  08-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited (RULBSL) is going to issue IPO to general public from Falgun. Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited is going to issue 8,50,000 ( Eight lakh fifty thousand) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 85,000,000 ( Eight Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Date of the issue? Issue opening from Falgun 4 to 8th 2078. What is the bifurcation of allocation? Total units : 8,50,000  Issued capital (0.5%) : 13,000 units Employees (5%) : 42,500 units General public: 7,94,500 units  Who is the issue manager of RastrautthanlaghubittabittyasanstaLimited? Nibl ace capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 67.31% vs 32.69%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. Best to apply 10 kitta as the number of applicants...

IPO ALERT: 31,25,000 units IPO shares of Green Ventures Limited (GVL) from Falgun 2 for Locals

IPO Alert | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Green Ventures | 06-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Green Ventures limited (GVL) For Locals and General public IPO for general public. IPO confirmed for locals of okhandhunga and Ramechhap District people only.  Green Ventures limited is going to issue 6,250,000 ( Sixty two lakh fifty thousand ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 625,000,000 ( Sixty two Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100 in 2 phases. 1. Okhandhunga & Ramechhap District locals. 2. General public  Here, in the first phase of issuing GVL Confirmed 31,25,000 units IPO share are purely for local residents of okhandhunga and Ramechhap District. And they are eligible to apply from Falgun 2, 2078. Remaining 31,25,000 units will be for general public and only after completion of first phase. Who is the issue manager of Green Ventures Limited? Laxmi capital Market limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public r...

Nonstop 9 upper circuits (10%) Wean Nepal laghubitta bittya sansta Limited | 1 Lakh to 2.36 Lakh

Wean Nepal laghubitta bittya sansta Limited | Nepal share market | Kathmandu  04-02-2022 Nonstop 9 upper circuits 10% uptrend movements of Wean Nepal laghubitta bittya sansta Limited recorded recently on Nepal share market. Yes, exactly true. Wean Nepal laghubitta have raised from 831 on 2022-01-19 to 1959.20 on 2022-02-03. Fun fact:- If you have invested 1 lakh on 19th january 2022 today worth would be around 2 lakh 36 thousands in just 10 days. Background   Nepal sewa laghubitta bittya sansta Limited (NSEWA) and Wean laghubitta bittya sansta Limited have merged together recently on 15th of kartik.  You may also like : How to check IPO/FPO Allotement results in Nepal ipo allotments Emerging Nepal limited IPO Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta Limited IPO'S Green Ventures limited issuing IPO to Locals and general public. Tags: #weanNepal #laghubittya #happyinvestment #Sharemarketfunfact #Hydropower #laghubittya #IPONepal #Upcomingipo #Nepalshar...

IPO Alert: 18,27,970 units IPO shares of Balephi hydropower Limited (BAHL) are for Locals : Magh 27

IPO Alert | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Balephi hydropower limited| 03-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Balephi hydropower limited (BAHL) is going to issue initial public offering (IPO) in 2 phases. 1) Locals - Date confirmed  2) General public- Yet to be announced  Locals : 18,27,970 units are going to issue on the first stage for projects affected locals of sindhupalchok District from Magh 27th 2078.  Date Open to apply for locals : Magh 27 - Falgun 12 However Balephi hydropower limited is going to issue total 3,655,940 ( Thirty six lakh fifty five thousand and nine hundred fourty) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 365,594,000 ( Thirty six Crore and fifty five lakh ninty four thousand) with base price of Rs. 100. 18,27,970 units are aside for general public which will after completion of first phase. Who is the issue manager of Balephi hydropower Limited? Global IME capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general publi...

Nyadi Hydropower company limited is going to issue 4,050,000 units IPO to Locals and general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Nyadi Hydropower Limited (NHL) | 02-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Nyadi Hydropower company limited (NHL) For Locals and General public IPO soon.. Nyadi Hydropower company limited is going to issue 4,050,000 ( Fourty lakh fifty thousand units ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 405,000,000 ( Fourty Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of Nyadi Hydropower company limited? Global IME capital  limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 73% vs 27%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. About Nyadi Hydropower company limited: न्यादी हाइड्रोपावर लिमिटेड In October 2006, Butwal Power Company Limited (BPC) and Lamjung Electricity Development Company (LEDCO) had an understanding to develop Nyadi Hydropower Project (NHP) together. According to this understanding, a new company named as “Nyadi Hydropower Limited” (NHL...

Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower company limited is going to issue 1,200,000 kitta IPO to locals and general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower ( BNHC) | 02-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower company limited (BNHC) For Locals and General public IPO. Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower company limited is going to issue 1,200,000 ( Twelve lakh units ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 120,000,000 ( Twelve Crore) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower company limited? Civil capital Market limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 70% vs 30%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. About Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower company limited: Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower Company is established to develop hydropower projects managed by well-experienced professionals, local and successful businessmen from various disciplines such as Management, Engineering and  Public Affairs; who committed to bring excellence ...

Balephi hydropower limited ( BAHL) is going to issue initial public offering IPO to Locals and general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Balephi hydropower limited| 02-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Balephi hydropower limited (BAHL) For Locals and General public IPO. Balephi hydropower limited is going to issue 3,655,940 ( Thirty six lakh fifty five thousand and nine hundred fourty) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 365,594,000 ( Thirty six Crore and fifty five lakh ninty four thousand) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of Balephi hydropower Limited? Global IME capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 80% vs 20%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. About Balephi hydropower limited: Water resources are the major natural resources identified for the development of Nepal. Nepal has a large hydropower potential amounting to 83,000MW. So far less than 1% of total potential has been exploited at present in spite of higher demand resulting in severe load shedd...

Green Ventures limited (GVL) issuing IPO to locals and general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Hydropower | Green Ventures | 02-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Green Ventures limited (GVL) For Locals and General public IPO for general public. Green Ventures limited is going to issue 6,250,000 ( Sixty two lakh fifty thousand ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 625,000,000 ( Sixty two Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of Green Ventures Limited? Laxmi capital Market limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 80% vs 20%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. About Green Ventures limited: The Likhu-IV Hydroelectric Project is planned as a run-of-river scheme with an installed capacity of 52.4MW utilizing a design discharge of 26.70m3/s and gross head of 221.27 meters. The headwork consists of 36m wide un-gated weir with 2 under- sluice bays to safely discharge flows during monsoon period/floods. The full supply level is ...

List of Short code used in TMS | Nepal share market

Nepal Share Market | Nepal Stock Exchange  01-Feb-2022 Kathmandu  I have been asked many times about various short used terms/code in TMS of Nepal Share market. Hence i thought of making all short code used in TMS on one blog. I have tried to gathered all with full abbreviations.  TMS :  Trading Management System LTP : Latest Trading Price  CLI : Client CNC : Cash & Carry  OTP : One Time Password  LMT : Limit Order  MKT : Market Order  EQ : Equity  MF : Mutial Funds  NCD : Non- Convertible Debentures  GTC : Good Till Cancel  GTD : Good Till Date AON : All or None  NOTS : Nepse Online Trading System  CP : Closing Price  IOC : Immediate or Cancel  FOK : Fill or Kill DNA : Direct NOTS access  Do comments below if you need any additional abbreviations. You may also like : How to check IPO/FPO Allotement results in Nepal ipo allotments Emerging Nepal limited IPO Rastra utthan laghubitta...

NESDO sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited (NSLBSL) issuing IPO to general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | Microfinance | 01-Feb-2022 Kathmandu NESDO sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited (NSLBSL) IPO for general public. NESDO Sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta limited is going to issue 8,28,750 ( Eight lakh twenty eight thousand seven hundred and fifty ) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 82,875,000 ( Eight Crore and twenty nine  lakh+) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of NESDO sambridha laghubitta bittya sansta Limited? Global IME capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 67.50% vs 32.50%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1,000 kitta could be. About NESDO SAMBRIDHA LAGHUBITTA  NESDO Sambridha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd is Promoted by National Educational & Social Development Organization,NESDO Nepal. NSLBSL   was incorporated under Company Act-2063 as a Public Limited Company with the mandate to operate as a “...

Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited (RULBSL) issuing ipo to general public

Upcoming IPO Nepal | Nepal share market | 01-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited (RULBSL) IPO for general public. Rastra utthan laghubitta bittya sansta limited is going to issue 8,50,000 ( Eight lakh fifty thousand) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 85,000,000 ( Eight Crore and fifty lakh) with base price of Rs. 100. Who is the issue manager of RastrautthanlaghubittabittyasanstaLimited? Nibl ace capital limited  After the initial public offering promoters share vs general public ratio will be 67.31% vs 32.69%. How much to apply? Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 50,000 kitta could be. You may also like : How to check IPO/FPO Allotement results in Nepal ipo allotments Emerging Nepal limited IPO Tags: #rulbsl #rastrautthan #laghubittya #IPONepal #Upcomingipo #Nepalsharemarketupdates #Stockmarket #nepse #sebon #IPOAllotment #IPOnews

IPO ALERT: Emerging Nepal limited is going to issue IPO from magh 26 to Falgun 1st | Upcoming IPO'S Nepal

IPO Date Fixed | Upcoming IPO Nepal |IPO CONFIRMED | Nepal share market | 01-Feb-2022 Kathmandu Emerging Nepal limited ( ENL) IPO for general public. This will be the second initial public offering issue  going to happen in the same month after jalpa samudayik laghubitta bittya sansta Limited.  Emerging Nepal limited is going to issue 5,55,600 ( Five lakh fifty five thousand and six hundred) IPO ( initial public offering) shares worth of 55,560,000 with base price of Rs. 100. Date of the issue :- Magh 26 - Falgun 1, 2078 How much for the employees , mutual funds and general public? Here are the bifurcation of kittas of 5 lakh 55 thousand and 6 hundred units. Total issue unit : 5,55,600 kitta Employee (2%)  : 11,112 kitta  Mutual funds ( 5%) : 27,780 kitta General public : 5,16,708 kitta ** Five lakh sixteen thousand and seven hundred eight is purely for general public** What is the issue opening and closing date? Date of the issue opening on 26th Magh 207...