Upkar laghubitta bittya sansta Limited is going to issue 2,36,250 IPO'S units to general public from chaitra 25

Upkar laghubitta bittya sansta Limited | Nepal share market | IPO Date | Upcoming IPO Nepal |

Here you go... 3rd companies IPO ( initial public offering) in a month of chaitra 2078. Public are happy to got chance and waited for long to get IPO shares in nepalse share market. 

Upkar laghubitta bittya sansta Limited is going to issue 2,36,250 units IPO shares to General public from chaitra 25.

Date of IPO issuing: Chaitra 25 | 8 April |

Recently SEBON has approved to issue initial public offering (IPO) to for Upkar laghubitta bittiya sanstha limited on 24th match.

Here are complete details of Upkar laghubitta bittya sanstha Limited:

Sector: Microfinance 

Price : Rs. 100 per unit

Total issuing units:  2,36,250 kitta

0.5% Employees: 3,281 kitta

5% Mutual fund : 11,813 kitta

General public: 2,21,156 kitta

Issue Manager: Nepal SBI capital

How much to apply? 
Minimum 10 kitta to maximum 1000 kitta.

Rating of the company?

About company

Upakar Laghubitta  Bittiya Sanstha Limited is registered as 'D' class Financial Institution (Microfinance Bank) with a capital of 60 million licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank. It was transferred from the microfinance programe of Mahila Upakar Munch. The paid up capital of this institution is 42.2  Million. It is established on Magh 17, 2075 at Kohalpur, Banke and started it's services on 1st Chaitra 2075 and registered according to company Act on Shrawan  25th 2075 . It operates 15 branches in 2 districts of  province no. 5 Nepal namely Banke & Bardiya.
ULBSL is quite aware of institution's both social and economic service supply .Upgrade of socio economic status of members is first priority for us. "Financial inclusion self-reliant organization" is the slogan of ULBSL. We are aware of the client protection, social performance and sustainability issues. It will continue to work in increasing financial inclusion and creating benefits for the clients. ULBSL will design client friendly products, services, delivery models to meet clients' need. ( Source: Upkar company website)

2077 Asar
1Total Loan Disbursed (NRP):6138195
2Number Of Branch Officer:15
3Loan Outstading :1071518
4Number Of Center:1460
5Number Of Active Clients:26867
6Saving & Deposit (NRP):688870
7Total Staff:93
8Working Districts:2
9Number of Loane Clients:15394

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