
Showing posts from June, 2020

Top 10 Richest country in the World

Top 10 Richest country in the World | Top Richest country| List of richest countries | Top 10 Richest countries | Top richest countries with GDP | TOP richest countries with per capital income | Top countries with economical status | Top countries with GDP |

Timeline: Top 12 Asian Countries by Population

        Populations growth timeline of Asian countries since 1955 to 2020. Here is the population growth bar race of Asian countries and those countries are  China India Japan Indonesia Pakistan Vietnam Turkey Thailand Philippines South Korea Myanmar Timeline: Top Asian Countries by Populations| Asian countries with populations | Top 12 Asian countries list in population| Top 12 Asian countries populations history | Historical populations details of Asian countries | Asian countries populations from 1955 till date | Timeline of Asian countries populations details | Population increases of Asian countries | Population growth of Asian countries| China Populations since 1955 | Indian populations since 1955 | Japan population | Indonesia population | Bangladesh population | Pakistan Population | Vietnam population | Turkey population | Thailand population | Philippines Population |

Best Time and Love ❤️💙 Quotes ever

Best Time and Love ❤️ Quotes 😍 1. Sometimes your Heart 💓 will need time to be able to accept what your mind is always aware of. 2. I still remember those moments when I pray for the person that I have now.  3. Time flies but memories ❤️ will last until forever. 4. There are so many forms of Love ❤️  as there are in a moment's of time. 5. Time will have no meaning if you are in Love 😘😍 6. True love will never die. It will only get stronger as time goes by. 7. Love is like a space and time measured with heart ❤️. 8. Lovers are just like your favorite pair of blue jeans. It's get better with time. 9. If you will judge peopy,      Then you will have no time to love them. 10. I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. - J.R.R. T 11. Grow old along with me!         T...

Top Health Quotes for Healthy Life and Peace of mind

Here are the Top Healthy advices & Quotes for better Life 1. Nothing is more fatal to health, than an over care of it. - Benjamin Franklin 2. The best doctors gives the least medicine. - Benjamin Franklin 3. Prevention is better than cure. - Desiderius Erasmus 4. Eat to live, Not live to eat. - Socrates 5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. - Unknown 6. I have choose to be happy because it is good for my health. - Voltaire 7. Health is a relationship between you and your body. - Unknown 8. Your body hears everything your mind says. - Naomi Judd 9. Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. - Publilius Syrus. 10. When the heart ❤️ is at ease, the body is healthy. - Chinese proverb 11.  Health is a vehicle, not a destination. - Joshua Fields 12. What is called genius is the abundance of life and health. -Henry Davi...

Attitude status and Quotes for Girls

Top Attitude status and Quotes for Girl's. 1. Smartness is a perfect beauty. 2. Don't compare me to other girls.       There is no competition.       I'm one of a kind.  3. Good girls are bad girls that Never get caught. 4. Good girls are those which can help people , bad girls have no time to help. 5. My mind makes me a girl , my attitude a bitch and my class a lady. 6. I taught your boyfriend that little things you like. 7.  Beauty is only skin deep but the attitude is to the bone!!! 8. I love the confidence that make-up gives me. 9. Keep your heels , head and standards high. 10. Girls who do not ask for much , deserve it all. 11. Always act like you are wearing an invisible crown. 12. I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone's hed. 13. Some...